Why take The Effective Facilitator?
Are you thinking about taking The Effective Facilitator but are not sure it is the right course for you? Watch and listen as our founder and CEO, Michael Wilkinson, counts down what our clients say are the top reasons to take this course.
The Top 6 Reasons
Watch and listen to each of these six reasons to decide if The Effective Facilitator is right for you.
Reason #6: The Wealth of Resources
Reason #5: The Interactive Instruction
Reason #4: Our Amazing Facilitators
Reason #3: The Comprehensive Content
Reason #2: The Extensive Practice
Reason #1: The Impact You Will Have
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Sample Tool: The Secret of the Starting Question
Great facilitators demonstrate an innate ability to ask the right questions. They use key questioning techniques when preparing for a session, starting the session, focusing the group, information gathering, consensus building, and in every other stage of our facilitation methodology.The starting question is the term we use for the question the facilitator asks to begin a discussion. Typically, a starting question is used at the beginning of every agenda item in a facilitated process.