The job and role of a facilitator is vital and a critical component of leadership and management.

What does a facilitator do? Let us quickly define the facilitator’s job to enhance clarity for the discussion. A facilitator is one that takes an assessment of where things are and how we get from where we are to the next vital stage. An effective facilitator also makes an evaluative analysis in monitoring how much progress has been made so far.These are inevitable and critical functions for companies and organizations to perform from time to time to make sure that their work efforts are focusing on the right vision of the organization. An effective facilitator must therefore focus on and fully understand:

  • Organizational goals and objectives
  • Taking assessment of where things are
  • Ability to fine-tune things when the need arises


meeting facilitatorOrganizations often run into situations in their work processes that need immediate solutions in order to solve such problems. The help of a facilitator is required in order for these problems to be addressed in an efficient and time sensitive manner. A  facilitator therefore must have the ability to perform the necessary tasks, such as:

  • Processing skills functions
  • Organizing meetings
  • Planning sessions
  • Knowing how to train members of a

A facilitator must be able to set things in motion in order to resolve company issues and problems.

Inevitability of the Role of Facilitators

Each organization’s needs may be unique to that particular organization. Good facilitators must know how to develop unique solutions in line with the particular needs of that organization. In summary it suffices to say that effective facilitation, process, methods and strategies are inevitable for today’s organizational process and the work of facilitators are critical and required for organizations to maximize efficiency and productivity at all times.

Leadership Strategies is a leader in the field of effective facilitation. Please contact us to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff about your needs.

Image Source: Flickr