Testimonial: Fortune 500 Manufacturing Company
“I’d like to share a recent success shared by a member of my team who completed The Effective Facilitator. He was asked to facilitate a very large meeting. The meeting had the potential of getting out of control quickly and easily. He said he prepared for the meeting as he was taught in the course – particularly with the core techniques around managing dysfunction. However, after applying the course’s other principles – such as IEEI, ground rules, meeting purpose and defining consensus – the group managed to settle down in the meeting. He completed the meeting and accomplished its three-fold purpose without having to use any managing dysfunction tools. A day later, one attendee came up to him and said, ‘You did a great job herding the cats yesterday. I never thought we’d get to agreement on anything. That was the best facilitated meeting I have been in in over 20 years here. Great job!’”
Steve Anderson – CI Staff Specialist, Fortune 500 Manufacturing Company