Testimonial: Wincor Nixdorf, Inc.
“The methodology and tools from LSI worked like a charm. We followed a two-step process. Firstly, we created key workstreams and assigned workstream leads from each of our areas around the world. They were given assignments, and we combined this with engaging our headquarters staff to provide a Current Situation Analysis. This was essential to increase the level of buy-in between headquarters and the areas. The setup session (Management Briefing) was followed by a very good two-day, offsite strategy planning session in Amsterdam. It was my first time using the Drivers Model, so it was a risk since we had a new team coming in from around the world and one that was skeptical about this form of strategic planning. The team experienced a new form of facilitation, with high levels of interaction, dialogue, and buy-in. Their experience was especially different compared with prior strategic planning workshops. The result of our two days was to create a new strategic direction (vision/mission/guiding principles/goals), along with the implementation pieces (objectives/strategies/action plans) to drive the business. We’ve dramatically raised the bar for strategic planning!”
– Milan Radulovich, Vice President of Business Development, Wincor Nixdorf, Inc.
Milan completed LSI’s training course, Secrets to Facilitating Strategy, where participants learn the critical components and key techniques of strategic planning. Click here to learn how you can lead a group through strategic planning with our proven methodology, the Drivers Model.